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Focused Interest Group on MicroAnalytical Standards
Focused Interest Group on MicroAnalytical Standards

FIGMAS: Focused Interest Group on MicroAnalytical Standards


Welcome to FIGMAS! Here you will find a database on available microanalytical standards for electron microprobe, scanning electron microprobe, and other in situ instruments that provide quantitative chemical analyses (e.g., LA-ICP-MS).

Log in as a FIGMAS members to access official documents and to be able to submit new information on standards or reference materials (S-RM) or to suggest an update on existing S-RM!

Next business Meeting

Business meetings are organised every year during the annual M&M meeting.

Standards and Reference Materials database


FIGMAS committee 2023-2024

Emma Bullock (Leader; Carnegie Institution, USA)
Will Nachlas (Past-Leader; University of Wisconsin, USA)
Abigail Lindstrom (Future-Leader; University of Wisconsin, USA)
Andrew Mott (Secretary-Treasurer; University of Michigan, USA) © 2015-2025 - webmaster: julien.allaz [-at-] - Update 08-06-2024 - Memory usage: 0 MB